Access CareConnect Provider mobile app (iOS and Android) or CareConnect Provider Web.
CareConnect is used to maintain student and family enrollment data including household member details, subsidy/funding eligibility capture, schedule placement, attendance capture, health info, billing account, and licensing documentation needs for reporting calculation and audit file maintenance.
The steps below outline how to populate the pages in the Students Module to populate student and family record details for funded and private pay enrollments.
NOTE: If your administrator has enabled the Family/Student Data Validation or Schedule Age and Calendar Validation features, leaving fields blank or empty will trigger a user message to populate or update required fields.
I. User Access to the Student Module
Before student records can be created, a System Administrator should enable user access to the Student Module. In the Admin > Users page, click the username hyperlink and enter the Roles tab. Edit and select the Students module permissions desired for the selected user as shown below:
- Full: This allows staff full access throughout the Student module including record deletion
- User: This allows staff access to modify and view details of all student's information throughout the Student Module module, but not to delete the record
- View Only: This allows staff view-only access throughout the Student module
II. Creating a New Student/Family Record
Tools: Use the icon to get a description of what forms or reports the field entry will impact. Use the icon or the Edit button to populate or update fields. Use the icon or Save and Cancel buttons to save or cancel the entry.
TIP: Fields marked with an *asterisk are required. Field data validation checks may trigger if enabled by your administrator.
A. Students > Site Enrollments - Select how the record will be added to CareConnect.
Each record must contain at least one Primary Parent (A) and one Child record.
In the Students Module, select the Site Enrollments tab and click on the +Add option to make a record creation selection to enroll all family details (Enroll Family), quickly add the student, parent and schedule details (Quick Add Student), or to import students or contacts from a file or from CareWait.
In this help article, the Enroll Family option will be selected to populate all fields for student, family, contact and pickup information. If the record was imported, use the Students > Site Enrollments search filters to locate and enter the record, and skip to step E.
Next, populate the enrolled child information, schedule placement and add siblings.
B. Add the Students/Schedules: Select +Add Student to open the child data fields for population
The child page will identify *required fields. Populate these and all others desired for record capture. A child photo can be uploaded via the web or the CareConnect application phone or tablet device camera.
The following fields should be completed for full data capture. The asterisks are below denote fields that should be populated for state reporting data needs for funded students. Save when done.
*First Name, Last Name
*Date of Birth
*Status should be Active until the child disenrolls
Student ID will be created upon saving the page; or enter any desired internal ID number
Enroll Date
*Current Site field is used for Notice of Action creation
Create Tags to apply attributes or organization keywords to a student record
Upon saving, the user will be asked if schedule creation is desired; select Yes or No:
If selecting yes, the window will open fields to add schedule placement details and save. Select +Enroll Student to add another student, sibling, or schedule; or add them in a later step.
In this example, we will select No, and move on to the parent/guardian entry. Upon selecting No to creating a schedule at this time, the user is returned to the Enroll Family menu options.
C. Add the Parent/Guardian: Select +Add Parents/Guardians to open the parent/guardian fields for population. This page is used for Parent A and B.
The parent page will identify *required fields. Populate these and all others desired for record capture. A parent photo can be uploaded via the web or the CareConnect application phone or tablet device camera.
The following fields should be completed for full data capture. The asterisks are below denote fields that should be populated for state reporting data needs for funded students or communication methods. Save when done.
*First Name, Last Name
*Pick Up Authorization toggled ON for any adults who can sign the child in/out for care
*Preferred Contact Method and the data for this method: Used to contact parents electronically
*Address, Zip, City, State
Create Tags to apply attributes or organization keywords to a parent/guardian record
Upon saving, the user is returned to the Enroll Family menu where they can Edit, Add or Delete Parent/Guardian records. Add Parent B and/or Save; or select to add a contact record.
D. Add Contacts: Select to +Add Other Contacts (or authorized pickups)
Contacts are authorized adults to contact in case of emergency or have authorization to drop off and remove the child from care. Add as many contacts as desired. Once in the student profile after saving the Enroll Family page, the record will allow the user to link other enrolled family records as Shared Pickups.
The contact page will identify *required fields. Populate these and all others desired for record capture. A contact photo can be uploaded via the web or the CareConnect application phone or tablet device camera.
The following fields should be populated for best practices. Save when done.
First Name, Last Name
Responsibility - Use Other Contact if not legal Parent/Guardian
Relationship - To the child
Select if the contact has Pick-Up Authorization
Preferred Contact and contact method details: Cell Phone, Home Phone, Email etc.
Once the Contacts page is saved, the user is returned to the Enroll Family menu to add, edit or delete students or schedules, parents, or contacts, or to Save and create the family record. Steps for adding schedules will be covered below.
Upon saving, the system will ask the user if they desire to send the parent an invite to the CareConnect Family application via the email address or phone number. The user can do this now, or at a later time (or in batch for selected parent records).
*Note: The student/family record is not created until the Save button on the Enroll Family menu is selected. |
Congratulations - the family record is created! The next screen will display the record's Student Profile tabs including the family and student ID's, the Parent/Guardian tab, the Contacts tab and the Shared Pick Ups tab. Users may edit the record, or add a sibling, parent, contact or shared pick up record.
The Parent/Guardian tabs only contain contact information and the ability to invite or reinvite the parent to the CareConnect Family application. For funded students, users will enter income, needs and other required data in the Student Profile tabs reviewed below.
E. Add a Sibling: To add a sibling to the family record, select the +Add Sibling link under the child name. Do this as many times as needed for each child in the family size.
The page will open to display the same fields as the enrolled child page; populate as required and any remaining fields desired.
F. Link Shared Pickups: To add a Shared Pickup, select the +Link Pickup link and populate the fields to connect this family to another family to allow attendance sign in and out of each other's children.
G. Searching and Locating the Family Record
To locate a family record once saved, it is searchable in Students > Site Enrollments under a site location selection only if schedule placement has been created. If a schedule has not yet been created, use the Unassigned option and type any search keywords in the Search field if desired. Click on any of the green links or a pencil icon to enter or update the record.
III. Populating the Student Profile Tabs
Once the record is created, manage placement, licensing and reporting data, invoicing, communication and documentation. The following Student Profile tabs will need to be populated once all family member records exist.
A. Student Profile Image and Icons: How to use the selected child's image field, and icons to access the Move Student, Attendance and Billing pages
- Upload a child photo: Click the child Initials to upload an image to the student profile. This can also be done using the device camera in the CareConnect application on a tablet or smartphone.
- Move the student to an existing or new family record: Click the icon to move the student to an existing or new family record.
- View the child's attendance: Click the icon to view the child's attendance entries.
- View the family billing account: Click the icon to view the family's billing account details.
B. Student Profile Tabs: Populating the selected child's Personal Info, Schedule, Immunization, Physician Info tabs
- Populate the student or sibling personal information: Select the Personal Info tab to enter or edit student or sibling details.
- Populate the student's schedule placement: Select the Schedule tab to enter the student enrollment placement such as site, program, dates and hours of care, program calendar, and if the schedule is fixed or variable.
- Populate the student's immunization dosage dates and physician information: Select the Immunization and Physicians tabs to enter the student's immunization dosage dates, doctor contact details and TB testing entries.
C. Family/Student/Parent Info Tabs: Populating the student/parent/family Eligibility, Documents, Messages, Notes, Logs tabs. For private pay enrollments, skip any fields that do not apply to required family data capture needs.
- Eligibility Tab: The Eligibility tab contains fields that capture the Student, Parent and Family conditions, income, and family fee share details for state funded reporting and reimbursement calculation.
- Student Tab: Populate the appropriate dates for each enrolled student to satisfy enrollment forms or 801A, PLIS and CDNFS/EENFS values in each section.
- Parent Tab: Populate the dates and reason for care for each adult in the family by selecting the +Add Activities button:
And populating the *required fields and need hours in the next page:
Select +Add Schedule to add a second set of time pairs.
- Family Tab: The Family tab captures recertification date, Notice of Action and CCD26/9600 data, as well as family income fields for family fee assessment and state funding needs. These fields are not required for private pay enrollments. Select Edit to populate the Basic section.
Reason for Receiving Services: Review and populate the field on the left. If none of these apply and a CSPP-Only selection needs to be made, users should select the reason from the Additional Reason for Receiving Services field on the right.
Select +Add Income and +Add Family Fee to populate the lower Family Income and Family Fee sections:
To assess the family fee pair but not generate invoicing for state funded students, select the +Add Family Fee button, select the desired Fiscal Year, and the Generate button. Choose the child in the next window.
The system will auto populate each schedule month with the fee amount. Save when done.
Billing Module articles will provide steps on how to create and generate family fee invoices.
IV. Verifying Family Data for State Funded Reporting
Once each tab has been populated, the user can select the button at the bottom of the page to confirm that all state funding data needs are provided. A list of missing data items returns:
V. Print the Notice of Action and Application Form
When all data is populated, select the Site Print button at the bottom of the Eligibility tab Child, Parent or Family page to create the Notice of Action and Application documents. If the user selects to Draft and Save the document, it can be found in the Student Profile > Documents tab, under Drafts. These documents are not required for private pay enrollments.
VI. Documents, Notes and Logs Tab
The remaining tabs in the family record include:
- Documents Tab: Use this tab to manage, send and receive electronic forms
- Messages Tab: Use this tab to view all messages sent and received from the CareConnect Parent Kiosk or Family application.
- Notes Tab: Use this tab to enter internal notes for the family, student or care
- Logs Tab: Use this tab to review all user edits to the family record
For additional assistance, see the following helpdesk articles:
CareConnect Enterprise - Quick Add Student
CareConnect - Add Students and Parents
CareConnect Enterprise - Batch Import Students and Family Contacts
CareConnect - Guidance on enrollment for CSPP/CCTR Families
CareConnect Enterprise - Family Profile Overview
CareConnect Web - Add Contacts or Additional Authorized Pickups
CareConnect Web - Add or Edit Parent and Contact Information
CareConnect Web - Add or Remove Authorization for Pick-Up
CareConnect Web - Enroll Private Pay Students To Your Program
CareConnect Web - Invite Parents
CareConnect Enterprise - Student Profile Management
CareConnect Web - Tags Details
CareConnect - Student Immunization Tracking and Reporting
CareConnect - Update Family's Eligibility Information
CareConnect Enterprise - How to Assess Family Fees
CareConnect Web - Edit Student Information
CareConnect Web - Edit Student Schedule
CareConnect Mobile - Parent Kiosk
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