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This article will guide you through the steps of how to enroll new students and families into your program. You will need to enroll a family when you need to add a student and their family information to CareConnect. If you need a general explanation of how each icon and sub-tab work under the Student module, you can visit the Student Module Navigation and Student Profile Management.
NOTE: If your administrator has enabled the Family/Student Data Validation or Schedule Age and Calendar Validation features, leaving fields blank or empty will trigger a user message to populate or update required fields.
a. Log in to CareConnect. Then, from the Students Module → Click on Add → Select Enroll Family
b. This opens 3 guided steps to enroll a family:
Step 1. Add Students / Schedule
i. Click Add Student to simply add a new Student. Enter the student's details and then click Save:
TIP: Fields marked below with an *asterisk are required or will trigger data validation checks if enabled by your administrator.
- Name: Student's first, middle, and last name (*Last, First)
- DOB: Student's date of birth*
- Gender: Student's gender*
- Status: Student's status
- Student ID: Enter the ID for the student if available
- Enroll Date: Student's first date of enrollment
- End Date: Student's last date of enrollment
- Grade: Student's current grade
- Race: Student's race*
- Ethnicity: Student's ethnicity*
- Allergies: Student allergies
- Medication: Student's medication
- Diet Restrictions: Student's diet restrictions
- Tags: Any special tag for the student
- Current Site: Must be populated to create a Notice of Action
- Notes: Any notes specifically for the student
- Exclude from Eligibility: Select Yes for non enrolled children who do not need to return under the Eligibility > Student, Parent or Family tab Verify feature. Select No to confirm that child has all required report/eligibility fields populated when using the Eligibility > Student, Parent or Family tab Verify feature.
ii. A pop-up message will display where you may decide to add the schedule for this newly added Student. Once you have selected Yes, a schedule section will appear and you will need to specify the student's schedule information.
iii. Fill out all the necessary information for the schedule that is:
TIP: Fields marked below with an *asterisk are required or will trigger data validation checks if enabled by your administrator.
- Program: Program that the student is enrolled in*
- Status: Default schedule status is Active
- Inactive schedule status is used for a schedule with an end date in the past
- Pending schedule status is used for a schedule with a future start date
- Period: The current enrollment start and end date
- Site: The site location that the student is enrolled in*
- Classroom: Classroom that the student is placed in
- Care Calendar: Select which center open days the child care schedule follows* (A Care or School Calendar must exist)
- School: Select the school calendar the child is attending, if the child is school-aged*
- Care Type: Select the care type for the Site location. This should auto-default following the Site/Classroom setup.*
- Variable: Select yes if the student does not have a fixed weekly schedule*
- Comment: Any comments specifically for this schedule
- Schedule Template: The most commonly used schedule for quick selection to add a schedule
- Schedule: Specify the student's care hours if not matched to any of the schedules
iii. Select Save once done specifying the student's schedule
iv. Then, you will be redirected to the 3 guided steps summary page to proceed to Step 2 or repeat Step 1 by clicking to Add Student to add other siblings for the family.
Step 2. Add Parents / Guardians
i. Click Add Parents/Guardians to simply add a new parent to the family. Enter the parent's details and click Save.
TIP: Fields marked below with an *asterisk are required or will trigger data validation checks if enabled by your administrator.
- Name: Parent’s first, middle, and last name (*Last, First)
- Responsibility: Select the parent's responsibility:
- Parent A if this parent is the primary parent in the household
- Parent B if this parent is the secondary parent in the household
- Other if this is not a parent but a family member or other contact
- Relationship: Specify this parent's relationship to the student
- Gender: Parent's gender
- Pick-Up Authorization: Toggles On or Off if this parent is authorized to pick up or drop off the student. If toggled on, this parent is authorized for pick-up, and a unique PIN code is assigned.
- Preferred Contact: The best method of contact for the parent
- Email: Enter the primary or another email address for the contact if any
- Phone: Enter either the home, work, or cell phone number
- Address: Enter the parent's address
- Tags: Enter a tag for the parent
- Notes: Enter any comments or notes for this parent
ii. You will be redirected to the 3 guided steps summary page to proceed to Step 3 or repeat Step 2 by clicking to Add Parents/Guardians to add the second parent/guardian for the family.
Step 3. Add Other Contacts
i. Click Add Other Contacts to simply add other emergency contacts for the family. Enter the contact details (that are the same as the Parents/Guardians) and click Save.
ii. You will be redirected to the 3 guided steps summary page to repeat Step 3 by clicking to Add Other Contacts the second parent/guardian for the family
c. Once all 3 steps have been completed, click Save to finish enrolling the family. You will be redirected to the newly added student/family page.
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