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November 2024: CDE and CDSS contracts will now report the 801A separately. Refer to CDMIS Update #36 for further details and submittal guidance.
Use the steps below to configure Administration fields and family record data for successful submission of the monthly CDMIS 801A report for CSPP and CCTR contractors.
Admin Configuration:
Before generating the report, make sure CareConnect agency fields are configured correctly. On the Admin module > Eligibility > 801A Programs tab, select each program and configure the fields to be listed in the 801A report.
- In the Include in 801A field, select Y. (If reporting CSPP on the CASPDAC, select N for all CSPP programs and see CareConnect - Configure CAPSDAC.)
- In the Submission Code field, enter the agency's 4 digit vendor code and 3 digit submission code in this format: A123000. If separate contracts exist, programs must be created separately on the Admin > Enrollment > Program tab.
- In the Display Name field, enter the 4 digit program code of CSPP/CCTR/CMIG etc.
Family and Child Data:
Populate the Eligibility tab child and family enrollment data for 801A population. The 'Start and End Date' fields must include the desired report month and the Start Date fields should reflect the child's first day of subsidy care.
A. In the Eligibility > Student tab:
- Basic > Click the **Action Pencil Icon** to proceed
- A new window will open, allowing you to input additional program data.
- CSPP Start Date - Enter the Child's initial CSPP start date
- Dates entered in the CSPP or CCTR fields will be applied to reporting fields based on the reporting months and programs selected.
- Once done Click **Save** to confirm your changes.
- Language - Populate the child's primary language
- English Learner - select Not Applicable if the child is younger than grade K; and Y or N if the child is grade K and above:
- IEP/IFSP - Enter the date range for the child's IEP/IFSP assignment if it applies:
B. In the Eligibility > Family > Basic tab:
- Income Source
- Family Type
- Reason for Eligibility
- Reason for Receiving Services - Populate the Reason for Receiving Services field on the left. If none of these apply and a CSPP-Only selection needs to be made, users should select the reason from the Additional Reason for Receiving Services field on the right.
- Parent A/B Need Type
- Initial Subsidized Service Date
- Greater than 85% SMI
- FIPS Code
- CalWORKs Recipient
C. Family > Family Income - Income and Family Size
Once all data is populated, select the Verify button at the bottom of the Student, Parent or Family tab to confirm all data for subsidy eligibility is captured.
Verify will return any missing fields, but will not identify data that may be in conflict. Confirm users are familiar with CDMIS Data Definitions.
801A Report:
CareConnect will pull all data captured for the students and families from the Eligibility tabs into the 801A report. To return valid Attendance Status codes, users must first a) Load Attendance and 2) Generate the Attendance > Reports > CDNFS/EENFS values for the 801A report month. After generating the CDNFS/EENFS values, generate the 801A report:
1. Start from the Students module, Locate the 801A in the Reports section
2. Select the Report Month at the right and click Generate New:
3. When clicking Generate New, a pop-up window will open to specify the Submission Code, Program Type, Program, and Site(s) selection. (CSPP programs reported on the CAPSDAC should not be selected on the 801A.)
4. CareConnect may take a few minutes to generate the 801A report depending on the volume of the data. Select the Refresh icon until CareConnect returns a dark green arrow on the generated report summary line with the information for the report month, sites, and user name who generated or updated the report.
a. Click the action icon to view the report details
b. Click the action icon to delete the report if it was generated accidentally
5. Within the 801A details, you will different actions available at all times that are:
a. Student Name hyperlink: This will allow you to quickly open the family record for the student included in the report details to view and/or modify their eligibility information as needed
b. Edit: This button is to quickly edit the report details in each cell. This edit works similarly to an excel list. TIP: Editing here will not update the data back into the Family's Eligibility tab but it may be used if the report is past due and changes needed to be made right away.
c. Re-generate: This button is to re-generate the data in this 801A report. If you have edited the family information after this report is generated, use this button to refresh the report to allow it to pick up the latest changes completed within the family.
d. Export: This button has 2 options to either export the report to an Excel CSV format, or to a text format that is pre-formatted to follow CDMIS' requirement for an electronic file transfer.
e. Delete: This button is to delete this generated 801A report.
f. To review for missing data, select the Verify button and the page will refresh to return missing fields. Click the child name to return to the family record and make the appropriate updates. Verify will return any missing fields, but will not identify data that may be in conflict. Confirm users are familiar with CDMIS Data Definitions.
The 801A must be regenerated if data changes are made to the Admin or Family records. Do not regenerate if editing fields within the report display.
Once all data returns as expected, select to Export to TXT format for CDMIS submission. When the file downloads, select to Save As and include the month and year in the label. Do not make any edits to this file or upload format will fail. Log into CDMIS and select to upload via Electronic File Format from a software vendor.
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