Once a Provider record is created, based on the Provider Type that was selected, CareControl will display the Provider record differently. Actions available to take for each record will differ based on whether the Provider is licensed or exempt.
I. Licensed Providers Only
Adding a Provider’s Registration Fee
If the Provider has either a one-time or annual registration fee, you can capture it to CareControl within the “Registration Fee” Tab. Here in this Tab, you will have 2 sub-tabs:
Registration Fee: This is to capture the actual fee the provider has, either one-time or annual.
Registration Fee Record: This is to track all paid registration fee to the provider and which child.
When the Provider submits their Registration Fee details, to capture it in CareControl:
Click Add to create a new registration fee under the “Registration Fee” sub-tab.
In the Registration Fee details, enter the Start Date, Pay Type, the Child’s Age Group and Amount.
a. Click Save once done to save the new record. -
Once the registration fee record is added, simply click on the hyperlinked Registration Fee Item to view the details.
a. Click Edit if you wish to update the details.
i. Click Void if the registration fee was added by mistake.
II. Other Actions for both Licensed and Exempt Providers
A. Viewing a Provider’s approved Care Schedules
If there are any children with care schedules approved with the Provider, CareControl provides a quick way to view all those schedules under the Provider record within the “Care Schedules” Tab. This list includes all care; past, current or future that are assigned to the Provider.
This list shows several overview details for the Care Schedules, including the Family ID, Name, Child Name, DOB, Care Schedule Period, Total Weekly Days and Hours, Care Schedule’s current Status, and Family Case Specialist.
Each of the rows represents a Care Schedule, and will include a hyperlinked Family ID and Child Name to allow you to quickly open the Family record to view more details.
B. Viewing a Provider’s Payments and EOPs
Following the different care schedules approved with the Provider, under the “Payments and EOPs” Tab is where you can find the details of the different service month’s Payment records and the Explanation of Payments.
To view the list of Payments generated for the Provider, select the “Payments” Tab:
The Payments list includes:
The left side: A service month search, with the default period for 3 months (the current and 2 previous months).
The right side: A list of all the Payments the Provider has for the filtered service months.
a. The payment lists shows the Payment ID, Child Name, Program, Payment’s Period, Status and Amount if any.
b. You may view the details of each Payment ID by clicking on the hyperlinked Payment ID.
Once the Payment ID is processed, which is reimbursement made to the Provider, an Explanation of Payment (EOP) record will be available and viewable under the “EOPs” Tab:
The EOPs list includes:
The left side: A Pay Date period search, with the default period for 3 months (the current and 2 previous months).
The right side: A list of all the EOPs the Provider has from the processed Payment. The EOPs will have the detailed break down of the Payment, includes what and who the child care payment is for, the service month, and the amounts explanation including the quantity, rate amount used, etc.
a. You may view the detail of each EOP by clicking on the hyperlinked EOP ID.
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