CC4 now has the Union Due and COPE entities set up as garnishment entities. The configuration can be found under Admin Module → System Settings → Provider → Garnishment Entity.
Agency needs to give the Vendor No to add configuration in CC4 report setting.
Adding a New Union Due Entry in a Provider Record
Open Provider record by searching the Provider using Vendor Local ID in CCPU CERT file.
Go to Garnishment tab and click “Add”
Garnishment Entity = Union Due
*Garnishment ID = MemberID in CERT file. This is the number showing in the ARec report and must be accurate.
*Agency = Local in CERT file. It must be number and no more than 4 characters. Currently the number should be one of these: 99, 521, or 3930
Start Date = 1st day of the CERT month (payment month)
*Order: If there are no other garnishments associated with the provider, then the order can be determined as 1. However, if there are other garnishments, the Agency will need to decide which ones take priority. In the absence of other guidance, the agency will be responsible for determining the priority order. This order specifies which deductions should be satisfied first in cases where the provider payment is insufficient to cover them all.
Union Due garnishment details will be carried over from system setting and no need to edit
Adding a New COPE Entry in a Provider Record
Same as Union Due, but detail is different
Garnishment Entity = Union Due
*Garnishment ID = MemberID in CERT file. This is the number showing in the ARec report and must be accurate.
*Agency = Local in CERT file. It must be number and no more than 4 characters. Currently the number should be one of these: 99, 521, or 3930
Start Date = 1st day of the CERT month (payment month)
*End Date = Last day of the CERT month. This is critical because COPE deductions only occur during the CERT month and should not be deferred to the next month, whether they are not fully deducted or not deducted at all.
*Order: In cases where there are no other garnishments associated with the provider, the order can be 2 since Union Due deductions take priority over COPE deductions. In the absence of other guidance, the agency will be responsible for determining the priority order. This order specifies which deductions should be satisfied first in cases where the provider payment is insufficient to cover them all.
The COPE Amount has to be entered since the amount can be different each time.
Both Original Amount and Amount should be entered from CERT file and they should be the same.
If there is no export for the provider in the CERT month, the COPE should be terminated by entering the Terminate Date as the 1st Date of the following month.
Monthly Process CERT File
Go to CC4 Report/CC4 Standard Reports/CCPU Reports/CCPU Active Cert in CareControl. The Query is auto determined and ready to go
Get the CERT file you receive from CCPU and sort by Vendor Local ID, compare both files to identify the Gap to find what to add or terminate
Your Action: Using the CERT file for CERT month of April 2023
Type |
ID Missing in CareControl |
ID Missing in Cert |
Filter by COPE |
Add new Union Due & COPE with start date in the Certified Deduction month |
Check if existing COPE End Date is 3/31/2023, no need to change; Otherwise add End Date as 3/31/2023 in existing COPE |
Filter by Union Due |
Add new Union Due with start date in the Certified Deduction month |
Add End Date 3/31/2023 in existing Union Due, system will change the status to Terminated on 4/1/2023 |
ARec Report Submit to CCPU
Go to CC4 Report/CC4 Standard Reports/CCPU Reports/CCPU Active Cert in CareControl.
Enter the Payment Month period (should be the Cert month you want to report
Generate the file and download as CSV
Upload the CSV file to CalHR FTP
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