If your organization has multiple funding sources, CareWait has the ability to calculate CDE and or CDSS eligibility.
In accordance with EC Section 8263(b), contractors are required to enroll families in priority order.
These priorities are as follows:
- Families with children who are receiving CPS or At Risk of abuse.
- Children with Exceptional Needs
- Income ranking order, with the lowest income receiving the highest priority
- The Income ranking order is based on the CDE fee schedule and the income ceiling
- Primary Home Langauge other than English
- After all otherwise eligible children have been enrolled, shall be children from families whose income is no more than 15 percent above the eligibility income threshold.
The Income Threshold is as follows for the 23-234 Fiscal Year:
CareWait will take into account both priorities based on the application and calculate CDE and CDSS Ranking respectively.
Your CareWait environment will determine if the application is eligible for CDSS and CDE. CareWait will look for certain criteria pertaining to the family/Child.
If a family/child is eligible, it will look for the following conditions in the application:
CDSS Eligibility Check:
One of the following conditions needs to be met:
Income & Need
a. Income less than or equal to 85% of the State Median Income, adjusted for family size, AND b. Need must be one or more, Working, Seeking Employment, Seeking Part-Day Educational Pre-School for Child, Incapacity, Homeless or Seeking Permanent Housing, Emergency Need for Child Care, Attending School or Vocational Training -
CPS / At Risk
Means Tested Government Programs must be one or more Medi-Cal, CalFresh, California Food Assistance Program, WIC, The Federal Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations, Head Start, Early Head Start, Other Means-Test Government Programs
CDE Eligibility Check:
CDE Eligibility
Child must be age 2y 7mo <= child age < 5yr 0 mo AND
One of the following conditions needs to be met:
Special Needs OR
CPS/At Risk OR
Income less than or equal to 100% of the State Median Income, adjusted for family size OR
Means Tested Government Programs must be one or more Medi-Cal, CalFresh, California Food Assistance Program, WIC, The Federal Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations, Head Start, Early Head Start, Other Means-Test Government Programs
Means Tested Government Programs for BOTH are as follows:
California Food Assistance Program
The Federal Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations
Head Start
Early Head Start
Other Means-Tested Government Program
How would the Eligibility check work in the application?
The family would select their needs and or programs that they are currently in.
- For example, this family has selected a Means Tested Government WIC and has a child that is between 2y 7mo and 5yrs old. This family would be CDE Eligible.
(On the parent side in their CareConnect Account)
(On the Office side, Staff View)
- If the family is eligible, then the top of the application would show the eligibility check box checked off.
- You will also be able to see the change occurring in your logs.
CareWait Will list the Eligibility checkboxes that corresponds to the change in the Summary Section of the Application:
(If the check box is marked, the application is eligible)
How is CDE Ranking calculated?
- Income less than or equal to 100% of the State Median Income, AND
- Family Size
How is CDSS Ranking calculated?
- Income less than or equal to 85% of the State Median Income, AND
- Family Size
The CDE Ranking and CDSS Ranking is now available to be viewed in the application, as well as the application Smart List:
How to filter CDE and CDSS Eligible in your QUEUE.
Depending on your funding, you will have access to AP and or Child Queue in your CareWait.
(If you do not see this filter in your queue, and would like for it to be configured, please open a ticket with us to add it to your environment.)
Once you create your Queue, in the query section you will notice that you have an option for CDE eligibility.
- If you are unsure how to create a queue, please take a look at this article: CareWait - Creating and Accessing a Queue
Once created, in the Query, you will select the option that you would like CDSS and or CDE Eligible. If you would like for them to be eligible, select the option "Checked" and click Save. This will make your list look for only those applications that are eligible and will be pulled into your list.
(If your Queue is not configured for the eligibility check, and would like for it to be, please open a ticket with us at support@mcttechnology.com)
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please email us at support@mcttechnology.com
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