Access CareConnect Provider mobile app (iOS and Android) or CareConnect Provider Web.
If your organization utilizes both CareWait and CareConnect, CareConnect offers an enroll from CareWait feature. You'll be able to enroll students from your CareWait Queues once ready.
A. Enroll Students from CareWait
If the parent has an existing CareConnect account linked to your CareWait Environment, that CareConnect account will be automatically linked to your CareConnect Environment.
The system will return the option to link the family to an existing record or to create a new family record.
1. From the Students module, select +Add, then select Import Students from CareWait.
2. Select the queue you'd like to enroll from, then click Next to view the students.
3. From the selected queue, select which student you'd like to enroll in CareConnect.
4. The system will return an existing family when the following information is matched. Users can select to create a new family or update the existing record.
- Parent full name (last & first name) is same (either Parent A or Parent B), or
- Full address (address, city, state and zip) is same (either Parent A or Parent B)
5. Select the enrollment site from the dropdown options.
6. From the Enroll Family page, you will be able to view, modify, or add any data to the family record. To learn more on how to enroll a family, click here. The information that is migrated from CareWait is:
- Student:
- First and Last Name
- Date of Birth
- Language (in Student Notes)
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Race
- Parent:
- First and Last Name
- Relationship
- Emails
- Phone numbers
- Address
- Type (Foster, Biological, Guardianship)
7. Click Save to complete the enrollment.
B. Document Import to CareConnect
If the parent has submitted any Documents through their application, you can decide whether to import those documents onto the family's profile.
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