In order to determine your Subsidized Care Eligibility and Priority, the Income section will calculate your monthly income based on various income sources you may receive. To manage monthly income, users can add, edit, and remove income sources from the Income Source section.
Tip: When adding multiple income sources to an existing application, you MUST save the changes made to one income source before moving on to another one. Attempting to add multiple income sources at a time will lead to lost data once you save your changes.
To add an income source click +ADD NEW
Select Parent: Identifies which Parent is tied to the income source.
Income Source: The type of income received
Type: Pre-set field that identifies if the income source is countable, not countable, or deductible from the total monthly income. The income type is controlled by your child care agency or organization and cannot be changed.
Amount: The dollar amount of the income type.
Description: Used to describe the income source in more detail.
You've created your income source, click SAVE to save your changes.
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