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When creating an electronic family record there are several eligibility criteria that must be populated for families, students, and schedules for contractor funding reporting purposes or for licensing and enrollment documentation. Administrators can configure organization settings to enable crucial data checks for required field entries with missing or incorrect data. Configuration of these settings will contribute to the accuracy and integrity of data reporting and complete family record data capture.
Use the instructions below to enable the desired data checks. By default, settings are disabled. Enabling these settings is optional and not required for record creation/data entry.
Click here to configure Schedule Program Age and Calendar Validation.
1. Configure Data Validation Settings
If enabled, the following settings will notify users if student and family eligibility data is missing or invalid in the family record.
On Admin > Organization > Setting, select Edit and toggle the desired features on/off.
- Student Data Check - Include or Exclude the child from the Student Eligibility Data Checks
- Student Eligibility Data Check - Confirms field entry on the Eligibility > Student page
- Family Eligibility Data Check - Confirms field entry on the Eligibility > Family page
Review below to see how each of these settings will affect users.
2. Validating Family and Student Record Data
When these settings are enabled, users can require eligibility fields within the family record to trigger a user warning if left blank or can exclude a child from data checks. Fields with an (*) asterisk are not included below as these are system requirements and will prevent save as expected.
A. Student Data Check: Exclude From Eligibility
On the Personal Info tab, the field labeled Exclude from Eligibility will allow the user to identify if the child should trigger the Student Eligibility Data Check. Users can select Yes for non-enrolled siblings or private pay families to skip eligibility fields. By default, the Exclude from Eligibility field is set to No.
If the Exclude from Eligibility field selection is No, the fields listed in section B will trigger users to populate before saving.
B. Student Eligibility Data Check: Student Profile and Eligibility > Student
When this setting is enabled, the following page fields will trigger red fields if Edit or +Add is selected and the field is left blank or has an invalid date upon saving.
I. Student Profile
- Gender
Not included: Race, Ethnicity
II. Eligibility > Student > Basic - Not included.
Do not skip the Start Date for state funded students. Do not skip the PLIS Start Date, Date of Instrument, Dual Language Learner, and Teacher DLL Designation fields for CSPP students.
III. Eligibility > Student > Category
- Student Name
- Date
Not included: Category
IV. Eligibility > Student >Language:
- Student Name
- Start Date
- Language
V. Eligibility > Student > English Learner:
- Student Name
- Start Date
- English Learner
VI. Eligibility > Student > IEP/IFSP:
- Student Name
- Start Date
VII. Eligibility > Student > Most Used Language:
- Student Name
- Start Date
- Language
VIII. Eligibility > Student > Home Language:
- Student Name
- Start Date
- Language
C. Family Data Eligibility Check: Eligibility > Family
When this setting is enabled, the following page fields will trigger red exclamations (!) if the field is left blank or has an invalid date upon saving.
I. Eligibility > Family > Basic:
- EESD 9600 / CCD 26 Income Source
- Family Type
- EESD 9600 / CCD 26 Eligibility Type
- Reason For Receiving Child Development Services
- Initial Subsidized Service Date
- First Date of Subsidized Service
- Recert Date
- Need Type Parent A
- Cash Aid
- FIPS Code
- Written Communication Preference
- Verbal Communication Preference
II. Eligibility > Family Income:
- Income Start Month - The Income Start Month will trigger a red exclamation (!) if the field is left blank or has an invalid date upon saving.
- Family Size - CareConnect will auto calculate the Family Size field based on the number of Student and Parent records in Active status at the time of saving a new income entry. Note: This field will not recalculate previous Income > Family Size values as new members are added.
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