(Note: Some applications may differ depending on agency and requirements)
Navigate to your desired childcare agency's website to get started on your application. If you are a returning family to Careconnect, choose the returning families option. If you are new to CareConnect, click on Apply now. The system will prompt you to create a CareConnect account
Filling Out Your Application
Family Section
The initial stage of our application prompts you to provide information to help us identify the childcare options that match your needs.
Here, you'll specify any means-tested government programs you might qualify for, your family type, and any other details the agency requires to understand your childcare needs better.
Tip: The language of the application can be changed using the dropdown in the top right-hand corner.
Parent Section
Preferred Language: The preferred language selected here will notify your agency's staff what language they should be contacting the Adult with.
Please note that Agency Staff will try to accommodate the preferred language as best as possible, selecting a preferred language does not guarantee that Hub Staff will be able to communicate with the Adult in the selected language.
Preferred Contact Method: The preferred contact method will be how your agency will be primarily communicating with the Adult regarding updates, questions, or concerns about the application being submitted.
Add Adult B: Use this button if there are two primary adults I the household. It is important to note that if you enter a "Parent B", you will be prompted to enter in the income for them as well.
Income Section
This section is where you'll input the monthly income details for each adult previously listed on the adult page.
The data you provide here will be utilized to assess your eligibility for financial assistance programs and determine the applicable fees for enrollment in a childcare program.
The system will automatically calculate your gross monthly income based on what you have entered in the boxes.
Note: No income fields are required. If you do not receive a type of income, it is not necessary to enter a "0".
Child Section
Kindly provide information about any children under the age of 18 residing in your household. This section allows you to input details regarding your child(ren), including any special needs or circumstances requiring attention
At this point you also have the option to save your application as a draft. If you click this button, your application will be saved at the current progress, and you may return to your application after logging back into your MyCareConnect Family Account.
Family Size
This section will calculate your family size based on the adults and children that you have e entered in the previous sections of the application. If this number is not accurate, please fill in the correct number in the box below.
Child Criteria
Here you can customize the criteria for your child(ren). You may select multiple child(ren) for each criterion depending on if you have different preferences or schedules.
1. Select the child you are making the criteria for. If you have more than one child that fits the same criteria you may select more child(ren) in the same section.
2. Select the childcare start date.
3. Depending on when you need care, if the Days of care needed are the same week to week choose Set Schedule. If the Days of care needed changes week to week choose Variable Schedule.
If Set Schedule is chosen you will be prompted to input the time in and time out of care you need.
If Variable Schedule is chosen you will be prompted to input the number # of days the child(ren) would need care week to week
4. Here you will be able to select your program preferences. To find a child care center that best suits your needs, we recommend that you use the Find Child Care tab above to find the best Child Care center that best suits your needs.
**If you do not input your own program preferences, your agency will select a center solely based on availability**
5. The preferred provider language selected here will notify your agency's staff of the language preferred for the Center to have available to speak to the children. Please note your agency's Staff will try to accommodate the preferred language as best as possible, selecting a preferred language does not guarantee the center will have this language unless the language selected is English.
At this point, you also have the option to save your application as a draft. If you click this button, your application will be saved at the current progress, and you may return to your application after logging back into your MyCareConnect Family Account.
Documents Section
Here you can upload the necessary documents. Uploading documents at this stage is not required, however, your agency may reach out to you for the required documents after applying.
This section verifies that you understand this is an application to a waitlist to determine your eligibility to the agency, as well as confirm that all of the information presented is correct.
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