Once a family is no longer eligible to receive childcare, you can terminate their active case in CareControl 4.
Pending Termination/Terminated
Enter the case, and click on the Action button. From here, select Change Status.
On the window that appears, choose Pending Term or Terminated, along with the Termination Effective date.
Pending Term is for Termination Effective dates in the future. Once the effective date is reached for this option, CareControl 4 will automatically change the case’s status to Terminated.
The Service End Date in the Case record will update to reflect the day before the Termination Effective date.
You can also add a reason for termination and go into detail with the two elements below the date.
For all current active cares in that case, change the end date to match the case’s Service End Date. Refer to this article on Terminating a Child to properly end the cares.
Generate a NOA to send to the family within the Notices and Appeals tab. Be sure to select the Action as Termination of Service. Generate a Certificate of Enrollment under the same tab to inform the provider of the Disenrollment from Services.
Do a Self Review in the Terminated case in order to ensure that everything was ended correctly.
Utilizing the Case Termination Wizard
Alternatively, you may prefer CareControl 4’s Case Termination Wizard, which walks you through each step for ease of use. Please note that this wizard will make permanent changes to the Family record and can not be canceled once started, so only use it once you have confirmed that you wish to terminate this family.
Navigate to the Cases tab in the family record and choose the Case you would like to terminate. Select “Case Termination Wizard” from the Action menu.
Follow the steps of the wizard to update case, care, family fee, payment, and child statuses/end dates as necessary
Generate a NOA to send to the family within the Notices and Appeals tab. Be sure to select the Action as Termination of Service. Generate a Certificate of Enrollment under the same tab to inform the provider of the Disenrollment from Services.
Do a Self Review in the Terminated case in order to ensure that everything was ended correctly.
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