FAQs & Discussions
- MyCareConnect Family: Adding/filling out supporting documents on my application?
- MyCareConnect Family FAQ: How to update an application
- MyCareConnect Family: How to update an application
- MyCareConect Family FAQ: How long should I expect to wait for a child care provider to contact me about my enrollment after receiving the referral?
- MyCareConect Family FAQ: When I receive an enrollment referral, can I remove the referral if I don't like it?
- MyCareConect Family FAQ: How is my enrollment request matched with a provider?
- MyCareConect Family FAQ: What child care assistance funding sources does MyCareConnect check for eligibility in California?
- MyCareConect Family FAQ: What does the section Quality mean on provider profile?
- MyCareConect Family FAQ: I found a new provider after I submitted the application, can I add the new provider to the preferred provider?
- MyCareConect Family FAQ: How long does it take to get enrolled? ¿Cuanto tiempo se tarda en inscribirse?
- MyCareConect Family FAQ: Where do I find vacancy information from a provider?
- MyCareConect Family FAQ: What are the different options for child care providers?
- MyCareConect Family FAQ: My enrollment coordinator helped me submit an application, how can I access it online?
- MyCareConnect Family FAQ: I have a CareConnect account with another agency or provider, can I use it to access MyCareConnect Family portal?
- MyCareConnect Family FAQ: Can I reopen a closed application?
- MyCareConnect Family FAQ: Why is my application closed?
- MyCareConect Family FAQ: ‘Account already exists’ message
- Long Beach Early Learning Hub MyCareConnect Family: Adding/filling out supporting documents on my application?
- Long Beach Early Learning Hub MyCareConnect Family: Application Status meanings
- Long Beach Early Learning Hub MyCareConnect Family: How to update an application
- Why can't I see my child on my account?
- CareConnect Family Mobile - Report Sibling Absence / Reportar las Ausencias por Hermanos
- CareConnect Family - How can I get a new invite to join CareConnect if previous invitation code has expired?
- CareConnect Family - How do I create an account?
- CareConnect Family - What is the difference between Documents and Forms?
- CareConnect Family - Digital Submission Confirming your Address / Sumisión digital Confirmar su dirección
- CareConnect Family - The attendance confirmation shows incorrect attendance information, how can I change it before signing? / La confirmación de las horas de asistencia muestra información incorrecta, ¿cómo puedo cambiarla antes de firmar?
- CareConnect Family - Why can't I see my application?
- CareConnect Family - How long does it take to get my child care application approved?
- CareConnect Family- How long will it take my application to be approved?