Where do I configure the amount of payments that get sent to QA?
From the System Config setting, there will be four separate rows that control when QA should take effect. ClaimQAProportion determines the percentage of payments that will be randomly selected, with a description of 1 indicating 100% (example in screenshot is set to 50%).
The other three control the ceilings that, if exceeded, will send the payment to QA automatically. The three different provider types can have separate values as well (our team recommends inputting 99999 if your agency does not want to use this feature).
How do I change how long a user can stay idle before CC4 logs them out?
From the System Config setting, there will be a configuration labeled as "NoActionMinutes." You can modify the Description of this to be the amount of minutes your users can leave a tab idle before CC4 logs them out (example in screenshot is set as 60 minutes).
Our agency has just changed our location/logo/contact info. What do I need to do to make sure the system reflects the new details?
Most of your documents that contain your agency's logo or contact information pull from the same location, so whenever any changes happen, only one place needs to be updated. This is the Company setting, where you will be able to find a list of all agencies included in your environment. Select your own to navigate to the same screen of the screenshot, where you will have the option to edit each of these details.
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