As an agency administrator, you will be able to configure who has access to your environment and what features they will have permissions for. Though you can not edit these roles directly, you will be able to assign standardized user groups from specialist to supervisor.
Adding a New User
Click the Gear Icon on the top bar navigation menu to go to the Admin Module. From there, mouse over Users in the sub tab and select User.
Click the + Add button on the top left side of the screen.
- The Logon Name will be the user's agency email. The Display will be what they should appear as in the system, such as reports and in family/provider records.
- Organization is the team that this user will be in in your agency. This is dependent on your own structure format.
- Title, Email, Cell, Fax, and Location are all fields that may be used by the system to populate any letters sent by this user. It is not mandatory to have this information but useful to input regardless.
- User Group will determine their set of permissions. For most agencies, the standard groups will include Family Specialist, Family Supervisor, Provider Specialist, Provider Supervisor, Payment Specialist, and Payment Supervisor. MCT can configure custom roles if needed.
Editing/Removing a User
Click the Gear Icon on the top bar navigation menu to go to the Admin Module
Select the Hyperlinked User ID next to the User that you would like to Edit/Remove
Click the Edit button to change Organization, User Info or User Group
Click the Save Button
To Remove a User click the Edit button
There are two red buttons on the bottom right
Voiding a User will put the account in an inactive status and archive the info
A user in this state can be restored
Deleting a User will remove their account permanently, which means that any history of them will be fully removed (for example, if they were a case manager, any cases that were still assigned to them would show as blank). We only recommend using this option if this was a duplicate user or accidental click that should have never existed in the system at all.
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