Adding a Tasks can be accomplished in any of three ways in Care Control. You can create a Task through the Notes and Tasks tab, the New Button, or the Hamburger Menu.
I. Adding a Task using the Notes and Tasks Tab.
To access a detailed history of Notes and Tasks that have been created, you can utilize the Notes and Tasks Tab.
From the Notes and Tasks Tab, you are able to perform a variety of actions, including:
Add a Task, using the Add button located on the right hand corner of the tab.
Search the Task history, including a sort function located to the right of the search bar. You can also filter tasks by:
- Create Date
- Last Week
- Last Month
- Last Three Months
- Last Year
- User Defined
Or through the More menu
- Tag
- Start Date range
- Create Date range
- Due Date range
- Create by
and including voided tasks
- Create Date
Export the Task History as an .xlsx file.
II. Adding a Task using the New Button.
In CareControl, we can add a Task at any point in time by using the New button, located at the top right of the Family File.
After clicking the New button, a drop-down menu will appear with a list of options. To add a Task, click the Task button, which is the second option on the drop-down menu. After clicking the Task button, a new menu will appear to generate a new Task.
From the Add Task window , you can:
Add a Subject for the task, which is the general information on the task that needs to be performed.
Add a Category to file the task under.
Format the content of your message.
Tag the task to aid in searching under a filter.
Save the task to be added to the Task history.
III. Adding a Task Using the Hamburger Menu.
The quickest way to create Tasks to is by using the Hamburger Menu, located on the top right of the family file.
After clicking the Hamburger Menu, a slide-out menu will appear with three tabs: Notes, Tasks, and Logs. Care Control will default to the first selection, which is the Notes tab. Click the Tasks Tab to take you to the short form Task History
After the Tasks tab is selected, it will display a history of the last 30 tasks in the family file. To Generate a new task, click the Add a task text box located at the top of the Task History. From there you will be able to write the information that you want to record as a task.
After the content of the task has been created, you have the option to
Save the task which will add it to the list of tasks and automatically set the due date to 5 days.
Selecting the task from there will open a Details Window for the task created. From this window you are able to:
Add a comment on the task to further clarify
Edit the task, which will open the Edit Task Window
Change Status, which will edit the current status of the task, between:
Close, which will end your view of the task and return you to your main window.
Cancel the Task to delete it
Add information, which will open a new Add Task window
From the Add Task window, you can:
Add a Subject for the task, which is the general information on the task that needs to be performed.
Add a Category to file the task under.
Format the content of your message.
Tag the task to aid in searching under a filter.
Save the Task to be added to the Task History.
Cancel, which will erase edits made, and return the task to its original state.
If you scroll down, underneath the main body of the task, you can determine the following values:
The Start date of when the Task becomes active
The Due date of the Task
The Priority of the Task
The Status of the Task, between Active, Completed or Canceled
The User who the Task is assigned to.
1 comment
Are the items in the Burger Menu going to be expanded from what we have currently in CC3?
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