Once you have completed Generating a Family's Review, you may be wondering how you can locate the cause of the errors listed on the review and approve it. Most of these errors pull directly from the required fields in the 801A and can be easily resolved with an adjustment in either the Family’s record or the record of the Provider they are receiving care from.
A. Care Review Errors
Rule Code |
Issue |
How to Resolve |
Associated Field |
Care-Period-001 |
Care times are overlapping with an existing care |
Check the care schedule reviewed and overlapping care schedule to make sure the times/days do not conflict. If one is meant to be an alternate/secondary provider, make sure the corresponding checkbox is marked on Care Schedule details. |
Care Schedules > Start Date and End Date |
Care-Need-001 |
No needs summary in record |
Go to Needs > Needs Summary and add a Summary starting on or before the care for the review month; Needs and Needs Summary |
Needs > Needs Summary > Summary Date |
Care-SamePV-001 |
Care times overlap from a care with same provider |
Check the care schedule reviewed and overlapping care schedule to make sure the times/days do not conflict. |
Care Schedules > Start Date and End Date |
Care-PV-001 |
Provider trust line process is not completed despite being nonrelative |
Go to the provider’s record and make sure the “Trust Line” tab is properly filled out, or go to the action button on the top right to change the provider type to relative if applicable. |
Care-PV-002 |
Licensed provider with no license info filled out |
Go to the provider’s record and add their license information under the “License” tab |
Care-PV-003 |
Provider license does not cover child’s age group. |
Check the child’s birth date under the “Details” tab and confirm that it is accurate. If so, check the provider’s record under the “License” tab to confirm that their age group authorizations were entered correctly. If both are correct, a new provider approved to care for this age group must be selected. |
Details > Children > DOB |
Care-PV-004 |
Provider license does not cover care period |
Confirm that the care period is properly inputted. If so, navigate to the provider’s record and under the “License” tab, make sure that the Expiration Date is accurate. You will need to find a new provider with a license that covers the entire period if the expiration date is before the end of the period. |
License > Issue Date and Expiration Date |
Care-PV-005 |
Paperwork to provide care to special needs not completed |
Serves as a reminder to check provider’s paperwork. Safe to ignore message once information is confirmed. |
801-PV-004-01 |
Provider QRIS info not filled out |
Go to the provider’s record and add an entry with a valid code under the QRIS tab/subtab |
801A: QRIS Participation |
801-PV-004-02 |
License exempt home care, so QRIS code must be 7, 8, or 9 |
Go to the provider’s record and change the provider’s QRIS information in the QRIS tab/subtab to either 7, 8, or 9. Or, if you inputted the wrong provider type for this provider, go to the action button on the top right to change the provider type to one that would be eligible to be in QRIS. |
801A: QRIS Participation |
B. Case Review Errors
Rule Code |
Issue |
How to Resolve |
Associated Field |
801-Fam-001 |
Parent’s name is missing or incorrectly formatted |
Check the parents' names under Details > Parents to make sure that they both have first and last names with 2-50 characters and only letters, hyphens, and apostrophes. Middle initial should also be one letter. |
Details > Parents > First Name and Last Name |
801-Fam-002 |
Family FIPS code not in California |
Check county and state under Details > Family Info to make sure that it is located in California. |
801A: FIPS |
801-Fam-003 |
Family ZIP code not valid or not 9 digits. |
Check the Zip code under Details > Family Info to make sure it is accurate and includes the 4 digit extension. The Zip code lookup tool can also assist in this. |
801A: FamZip |
801-Fam-004 |
Family Cash Aid status missing |
Should not be possible within CC4, as this is a required field. Located under Details > Family Info |
801A: CashAid |
801-Fam-010 |
Initial Subsidy and/or First Subsidized Date missing, or Initial Date is incorrectly placed after First |
Go to the “Cases” tab and select the appropriate CDSS case to examine its details. Ensure that the “Initial Subsidy” and “1st Subsidized” fields are both filled in and that “Initial Subsidy” is the earlier date. |
801A: FamStart |
801-Fam-011 |
Family size used for family fee calculation incorrect or calculate month is wrong |
Go to the “Family Fee” tab and confirm the family fee has been added and that the listed family size is accurate. If so, make sure that the effective month is before or is the review month. |
801A: FamilySize |
801-Fam-012 |
Income is not below the 85% SMI (and family is not under CPS or handicapped) |
Go to the “Family Fee” tab and make sure the listed monthly income is accurate. If not, make the necessary adjustments in the Income tab within the family record and recalculate. If this is for a child under CPS or a family enrolled in a handicapped program, document this in the “Needs” tab to fix the error. |
801A: Income |
801-Fam-013 |
Needs summary missing for review month |
Navigate to the “Needs” tab in the family record and click on the Needs Summary subtab. Make sure that the Summary Date is before or during the review month to resolve the issue. |
Needs > Needs Summary > Summary Date |
801-Child-001 |
Race and/or Ethnicity of child not selected |
Go to Details > Children and select the child the error message is showing up for. Make sure that their race and ethnicity are properly inputted. |
801A: ChildEthnicity and Race |
801-Child-002 |
Gender of child not selected |
Go to Details > Children and select the child the error message is showing up for. Make sure that their gender is properly inputted. |
801A: ChildGender |
801-Child-003 |
Primary language of child not selected |
Go to Details > Children and select the child the error message is showing up for. Make sure that their Language field is properly inputted. |
801A: Child Primary Language |
801-Child-004 |
Child’s start date is blank or incorrectly placed before first date of subsidized service |
Go to Details > Children and select the child the error message is showing up for. Make sure their Start Date is properly inputted. If so, compare it with the 1st Subsidized date in the corresponding case in the Cases tab. |
801A: ChildStart |
801-PV-001 |
Provider missing SSN and FEIN |
Go to the provider’s record under Details > Provider Info and under the Tax Info setting, fill in the provider’s EIN (Employment Identification Number) |
Provider Info > SSN or EIN |
801-PV-002 |
Provider FIPS code not in California |
Go to the provider’s record under Details > Provider Info and make sure that their State and County are correct and in California |
801A: PVFIPS |
801-PV-003 |
Provider ZIP code not valid or not 9 digits |
Go to the provider’s record under Details > Provider Info and make sure that their Zip Code is correct with the 4 digit extension. The Zip code lookup tool can also assist with this. |
801A: PVZIP |
801-PV-004-01 |
Provider QRIS info not filled out |
Go to the provider’s record and add an entry with a valid code under the QRIS tab/subtab |
801A: QRIS Participation |
801-PV-004-02 |
License exempt home care, so QRIS code must be 7, 8, or 9 |
Go to the provider’s record and change the provider’s QRIS information in the QRIS tab/subtab to either 7, 8, or 9. Or, if you inputted the wrong provider type for this provider, go to the action button on the top right to change the provider type to one that would be eligible to be in QRIS. |
801A: QRIS Participation |
801-PV-005 |
Provider missing Accreditation info |
Go to the provider’s record and add an entry with a valid code under the QRIS tab and “Accreditation Status” subtab |
801A: Accreditation Status |
801-PV-006 |
Provider type is not a valid entry for 801A |
Should not be possible within CC4, since all listed provider types need to be reported on the 801A. |
Provider Info > Provider Type |
801-Care-001 |
No care for the review month |
Add a care schedule with services that take place during the review month if applicable. |
Care Schedules > Start Date |
801-Care-002 |
No 801A approved care for the review month |
Add a care schedule with services that take place during the review month under a program that requires 801A reporting if applicable. |
Care Schedules > Start Date |
801-Care-003 |
Child has a duplicated care for the review month |
Check your care schedule tab to ensure that each one is only listed one. When you locate the duplicate, click Edit on one of the cares and void it. |
Care Schedules > Start Date and End Date |
Case-Term-Care |
Care is still Active even though case is terminated |
Edit the care end date from the care schedule tab to match when the care was ended or change the status of the case back to active from the Cases tab depending on which situation applies |
Care Schedules > End Date |
Care-Case-Program |
Listed Care program is different from case program |
Should not be possible in CC4, as the care schedule creation processes directly pulls from the cases tab. Recreate the care schedule with the appropriate case if the case was voided or transferred to a new program |
Care-Payment-Missing |
Care is missing payment for a certain month |
Go to the Payments tab under the Family’s record |
Case-Period-001-01 |
Case overlaps with another case period |
Navigate to the Cases tab and add the accurate start and end dates to the mentioned cases to prevent overlap |
Cases > Service Start Date and End Date |
Case-Period-001-02 |
Case overlaps with another case period without an end date |
Navigate to the Cases tab and add the accurate start and end dates to the mentioned cases to prevent overlap |
Cases > Service Start Date and End Date |
Case-Dates-01 |
Case does not have a service end date |
If a case is terminated or pending term, check if it has a service end date listed in the case details of the Cases tab. |
Cases > Service End |
Case-Dates-02 |
Case should not have a service end date for its Status |
If a case is active, check to make sure there is not a service end date listed in the case details of the Cases tab. |
Cases > Service End |
9600-Program-001 |
No start date in programs |
Edit the case being reviewed in the Cases tab and add the appropriate start dates for CalWORKs or CAPP programs |
Cases > Stage 2 Start/Stage 3 Start/CAPP Start |
9600-Program-002 |
An end date is listed with no start time for a program |
Similar to error code above, but will occur when an end date is specified but no start date for one of the programs. Add a start date as needed. |
Cases > Stage 2 Start/Stage 3 Start/CAPP Start |
9600-Program-003 |
No end date in programs |
Edit the case being reviewed in the Cases tab and make sure an end date is inputted if it is a terminated program. |
Cases > Stage 2 End/Stage 3 End/CAPP End |
9600-Program-004 |
One program’s end date should be before another’s start date |
Go to the cases tab and click on the mentioned cases. Adjust the end and start dates as necessary. For example, Stage 2 CalWORKs should end before Stage 3 starts. |
Cases > Stage 2 End/Stage 3 End/CAPP End |
Care-PV-006 |
Provider’s operational hours does not cover all of care schedule. |
Compare the care schedule times with the hours listed in the provider’s record under the “Operational Hours” tab. Make adjustments as needed, or find a new provider/add a secondary provider if they do not align. |
Operational Hours > Schedule |
Care-SamePV-001 |
Care times are overlapping with an existing care |
Check the care schedule reviewed and overlapping care schedule to make sure the times/days do not conflict. If one is meant to be an alternate/secondary provider, make sure the corresponding checkbox is marked on Care Schedule details. |
Care Schedules > Start Date and End Date |
Care-Need-001 |
No needs summary in record |
Go to Needs > Needs Summary and add a Summary starting on or before the care for the review month; Needs and Needs Summary |
Needs > Needs Summary > Summary Date |
Care-Period-001 |
Care times overlap from a care with same provider |
Check the care schedule reviewed and overlapping care schedule to make sure the times/days do not conflict. |
Care Schedules > Start Date and End Date |
Care-PV-001 |
Provider trust line process is not completed despite being nonrelative |
Go to the provider’s record and make sure the Trust Line tab is properly filled out, or go to the action button on the top right to change the provider type to relative if applicable. |
Care-PV-002 |
Licensed provider with no license info filled out |
Go to the provider’s record and add their license information under the “License” tab |
Care-PV-003 |
Provider license does not cover child’s age group. |
Check the child’s birth date under the Details tab and confirm that it is accurate. If so, check the provider’s record under the License tab to confirm that their age group authorizations were entered correctly. If both are correct, a new provider approved to care for this age group must be selected. |
Details > Children > DOB |
Care-PV-004 |
Provider license does not cover care period |
Confirm that the care period is properly inputted. If so, navigate to the provider’s record and under the “License” tab, make sure that the Expiration Date is accurate. You will need to find a new provider with a license that covers the entire period if the expiration date is before the end of the period. |
License > Issue Date and Expiration Date |
Care-PV-005 |
Paperwork to provide care to special needs not completed |
Serves as a reminder to check provider’s paperwork. Safe to ignore message once information is confirmed. |
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