- Case Review error Family FIPS (801-Fam-002) now reads value entered in FIPS field.
- Added Sync to CareConnect feature to Actions list. This feature allows you to manually sync Family, Parent, active children and active cares to CareConnect.
- Enroll from CareWait feature improvements:
- Possible Family Match logic updated: If Family type imported from CareWait does not match selected family, user must create new family file.
- User now has option to overwrite family info in CC4 with CareWait data or keep existing CC4 data.
- Possible Family Match logic updated: If Family type imported from CareWait does not match selected family, user must create new family file.
- Added Comment column to Needs Summary list.
- In Break in Service section, fixed issue that was preventing users from adding new Drop In Care entries.
- SNCS: Fixed issue for NOA merge fields when generating a Notice of Change for Effective Date and Appeal Date.
- Pathways: The ST1-12 form no longer populates with duplicate rates.
- Pathways: Corrected issue on ST1-06 and ST1-12 forms where PT weekly and Monthly rates would not populate for Exempt Providers.
- Added FIPS and Mail FIPS field to Provider Info section.
- Added Sync to CareConnect feature to Care Schedules section. This feature allows you to manually sync cares to CareConnect.
- Added Sync to CareConnect feature to EOP section. This feature allows you to manually sync EOP information to CareConnect.
- QRIS, Accreditation Status, and FIPS sync to CareConnect External Provider module.
- Claim & Time Sheet tab was not displayed on CareConnect section.
- Corrected issue affecting View RMR & Copy RMR feature. Users can resume using the Copy RMR function.
- Additional filters added to Payment Search:
- Is Digital
- Submit Start and Submit End
- Added Payment List: Digital Submission received by Provider Type
- In Payment Detail, Payable tab date ranges now display in correct sequential order.
- In Payment Detail, fixed issue with system incorrectly marking days as School Days on Payable tab and Normal on Attendance tab.
- Contract displays correctly on EOP.
- Added following statuses to Campaign Summary list:
- Completed
- In Progress
- Failed
- Canceled
- Campaign Job created to notify families of upcoming end date for their Leave of Absence.
- 801A report now pulls Family FIPS and Provider FIPS value from respective fields.
- Added full SSN value to report: Stage 1 Invoice - Child Care Payment
- SNCS: Sage Export file contained old payment information. Issue has been resolved.
- Pathways: Providers without Vendor ID working queue fixed.
- Pathways: Improved query time for Stage 1 Invoice - Child Care Payment report.
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