Access CareConnect Provider mobile app (iOS and Android) or CareConnect Provider Web.
Run an attendance/absences report for specific date range using one of the options below.
A. Attendance > Reports > Students Absence Report
1. Prior to running the Students Absence Report, users must first Batch or Batch New the Attendance > CDNFS/EEFNS values for the time frame desired in the attendance report.
CareConnect - Generate the CDNFS/EEFNS Reports
CareConnect - What is the Difference Between Batch and Batch New CDNFS/EEFNS Reports?
2. When CDNFS/EEFNS values are current, users can run the Attendance > Reports > Student Absence report and select to expand the Period range to fit the desired time frame. Select an Absent Type or leave the field blank to return all codes.
Select to Preview and then Export to the desired format:
B. Attendance > Weekly > Export
In the Attendance > Weekly view, the user can select to search and return student attendance by expanding the date range fields to return more than weekly values. When all data is returned, select the Export icon to download or print the data.
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