The Income Calculator is a built-in calculator designed to help the user determine the monthly income based on the income type. The calculator type will change depending on the income you are calculating, see below how the fields change when you select the calculator type.
I. Calculator Types
Standard Calculator - Can be used when income and the frequency is the same such as unemployment (paid weekly), child support, etc
Amount - Income amount
Frequency - Frequency of payment
Click Calculate to get the Monthly Income
Paycheck Calculator - This calculator can be used when you are provided with paychecks/paystubs
Pay Schedule - Frequency of payment, this selection will automatically adjust the formula during calculation.
Start Date - Start date of first paycheck
There are options that can be checked such as Year To Date (YTD), 10 month formula, and Fluctuated
YTD - This option can be used when only one paycheck/paystub is provided
Start Date - The date of the first paycheck/paystub of that year
End Date - The last date of the provided paycheck/paystub
10 month formula - To be used when calculating the monthly income of those who are considered to be a 10 month employee, such as teachers
Fluctuated - To be used if you want to tag the income as fluctuating
Click the + icon too add the information provided by the paycheck such as amount, date, and hours. Clicking the + icon will add more if needed. Below the entry rows, CareControl will also offer you the Total Count of entries, the Sum of paychecks entered, and the Average Monthly Hours.
Manual Adjustment - Any additional amount needed to add to the monthly income
Click Calculate to calculate the Monthly Income
Year To Date (YTD), 10 Month Formula, and Fluctuated check boxes and fields are available if needed
Cash Calculator - To be used when income is cash-based
Paid By - Frequency of pay
Rate - Amount paid
Manual Adjustment - Any additional amount needed to add to the monthly income
Click on Calculate to calculate the Monthly Income
Self Employment or Seasonal Calculator - To be used when calculating income for self employed or seasonal workers
Click the + icon too add a pay date and amount. Clicking the + icon will add more if needed
Total - Total amount of income
Business Expense - Amount of money spent for business needs
Month - The span of months for the period of income
Manual Adjustment - Any additional amount needed to add to the monthly income
Click Calculate to calculate the Monthly Income
To view the calculations please view our Income Calculation Formulas article.
II. Weekly Hour Calculator
The Weekly Hour calculator is a tool to determine the number of hours the parent may be eligible for based on their self-employment income
Click Weekly Hours
Enter the monthly income provided
The calculation will then take the monthly income provided and divide by 4.33 which will provide the Weekly income
It will then take the weekly income and divide by the minimum wage. This will provide you with an estimated number of hours the parent is working if you were to base it on minimum wage
The minimum wage can be changed in the admin settings as it changes or if your agency uses county wages instead of federal
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