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This article will walk you through each report in the Attendance Module. We'll give you cases in which a certain report might be useful to generate for different scenarios. All of the Attendance Reports can be found below:
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Attendance Details
- Attendance by Program
- Attendance Export
- Attendance Not As Scheduled
- Blank Sign in/out Sheet
- Student Absence
- Student Care Facility Roster
- Student Care Roster Details
- Student Care Roster List
- Student Care Roster Summary
- Student Ratio Schedule
Tip: For the majority of all of these reports you can select Save As to download the report as a PDF or an XLSX (Excel Sheet). This way you have the complete freedom to rearrange any of the data as necessary!
1. Daily/Weekly/Monthly Attendance Details
You can click on the Review button while on the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly view to have the available options:
1a. Daily Attendance
This Daily Attendance report is an overview of the sign-in and out for the day selected. This is useful to confirm if your parents, staff, or teachers are signing in and out. You can filter by:
- Student Name
- Whether or not you want to Limit the Search Within Care
- Site (& Classroom - only if "Limit Search Within Care" is checked)
- Student Status
- Date
- Student Tag
- Attendance Status
- Program
1b. Daily Attendance w/ Type
The Daily Attendance w/ Type will provide you with the same information as the Daily Attendance but with the Activities included. This report is useful if you need to know the different types of activities on a daily basis. The same filters are configurable as before
1c. Weekly Absences
This is a helpful report to know which students are absent for the selected week. You can filter by:
- Student Name
- Whether or not you want to Limit the Search Within Care
- Site (& Classroom - only if "Limit Search Within Care" is checked)
- Student Status
- Start and End date for the Period
- Student Tag
- Absent Type
- Program (only if "Limit Search Within Care" is checked)
1d. Weekly Attendance
If you want to know the Time Sheets for the students for the week, you can use the Weekly Attendance Report. This will generate a report for each student with the date range selected. The same filters are configurable as before except for Absent Type.
Below is an example of what one student's report will look like. If you have multiple students filtered, then this will generate that many students Time Sheets.
1e. Weekly Attendance Summary
This is a very useful report if you need a Summary Report for the week. The same filters are configurable as before except for Absent Type.
1f. Weekly Attendance w/ Type
This report is exactly the same as the Daily Attendance but now generates this report for the spanning week for each student filtered and the information of each student's activities. The same filters are configurable as before except for Absent Type.
1g. Monthly
This is a helpful report to know which students are absent for the selected month. You can filter by:
- Student Name
- Whether or not you want to Limit the Search Within Care
- Site (& Classroom - only if "Limit Search Within Care" is checked)
- Student Status
- Start Date
- Student Tag
- Absent Type
- Program (only if "Limit Search Within Care" is checked)
1h. Monthly Attendance
If you want to know the Time Sheets for the students for the month, you can use the Monthly Attendance Report. This will generate a report for each student with the month selected. The same filters are configurable as before except for Absent Type.
Below is an example of what one student's report will look like. If you have multiple students filtered, then this will generate that many students Time Sheets.
1i. Monthly Attendance Summary
This is a very useful report if you need a Summary Report for the month. The same filters are configurable as before except for Absent Type.
1j. Monthly Attendance w/ Type
This report is exactly the same as the Monthly Attendance but now generates this report for the entire week for each student filtered and the information of each student's activities. The same filters are configurable as before except for Absent Type.
There are 2 types, 8501 CSPP, and 9500 CCTR. These reports' availability are depending on your program whether or not you operate subsidized programs for your families. If yes, CareConnect will calculate the attendance details based on the actual hours captured from the kiosks attendance or contactless attendance features.
Click here to learn more details about the CDNFS report.
3. Attendance by Program
This report generates the Attendance by Program. You can remove the dependency of the CDNFS report to run it for current or future reports. If you download this Excel Sheet, then the 3 sections will be split into the tabs section of Excel.
4. Attendance Export
This report is if you need to export all of the attendance information from a certain date range. You can filter by:
- Site & Classroom
- Student Status
- Period Start and End Date
- Program
5. Attendance Not As Scheduled
Each student should have an attendance schedule assigned to them. If you want to know the students that are under-using or over-using their schedule, you can generate this report to view that information. You can filter by:
- Site & Classroom
- Student Status
- Period Start and End Date
- Difference (in minutes): how many minutes apart do you want to list
- Type: Outside or Within scheduled hours
- Program
Below is an example of 0 Minutes Outside of Scheduled Hours. You can also check to see who is under-using their hours, which means they are leaving early.
6. Blank Sign in/out Sheet
This report is a simple blank timesheet for each student that you can generate by month for all of your students. This is useful to still have a way to keep track of attendance as a backup.
7. Student Absence
This report will be useful to show the days that the students were absent based on the CDNFS report. Make sure that you have generated a CDNFS report first if this report is not showing data. You can filter by:
- Site
- Start and End Period (by month)
- Absent Type
- Program
8. Student Care Facility Roster (LIC 9040)
This report lists information about the student as well as the contacts for the child. Simply filter for the site and program.
9. Student Care Roster Details
This report is great if you need to have access to a physical copy (Print) of the student's scheduled hours for the week. Please make sure that every student has a calendar selected in their schedule, and that the Care Schedule is updated. You will have the option to Quick Print, which will generate a report to show the student's scheduled hours. If you click on Preview, this report will be the same as Quick Print, but with more information to display such as FamilyID, Date of Birth, Age, Contract, and whether the schedule is Set or Variable. You can filter by:
- Site & Classroom
- Student Status
- Start and End Period
- Whether or not to Show Schedule Summary Count
- Program
10. Student Care Roster List
A second option is the Student Care Roster List. This is a report of the student's enrollment hours and days for the selected week that you can also Save As and print. You are given the option to include weekends and if you want to add extra rows just in case you have to write down new student's information. You can filter by:
- Site & Classroom
- Student Status
- Start and End Period
- Whether or not to include Weekends
- Number of Rows you want to add: Default will always be 3
- Program
11. Student Care Roster Summary
This report gives a summary based on the program. You can specify by week to simply see the count of the number of students you should expect to receive on any given day. You can filter by:
- Site
- Start and End Period
- Program
12. Student Ratio Schedule
This report will let you know the ratio between subsidized and unsubsidized students. This is important information that you need to track for the facility. With this report, you will be able to clearly see the Private Paying families as well. The report will be broken up by hours. You can filter by:
- Site & Classroom
- Starts and End Period
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