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Attendance records captured for all students, either using the kiosk attendance or contactless attendance, will be available in CareConnect for review immediately. These attendances will be used for the CDNFS/EENFS reports calculation.
Prior to generating the CDNFS/EENFS reports for a single service month or for the quarter, to ensure the attendances are correctly captured for all students where:
- Absence types are assigned for the students
- Attendances are not incomplete ie attendances captured are complete with the sign in and out pairing
You may complete these 2 data review/preparation checks either on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Below are the recommended steps on the daily basis; you may follow a similar steps for the weekly or monthly basis:
- Start by accessing the AttendanceModule --> Access to the Dailyattendance section --> Filter your desired Date, Sites and Classrooms
- To check if the absence types are assigned for the students, select the Absentgroup to view all absent students
- Any absent students with a blank Absent Type will need to be updated to assign the corresponding absent type to the absent reason provided by the family
- If the student has a blank Absent Type, click +Addto open that student's attendance details for the selected date --> Select from the drop down menu to assign the Absent Type for the student's absent per your policy, such as EA for Excused Absence, BI for Best Interest, SD for Sick Days, etc.
TIP: The Absence Types selections are configurable to fit your Organization's process.
- Select Saveonce done --> The student's attendance will be updated to reflect the assigned Absent Type
- To check if there are any incomplete attendances for the students, select the Incompletegroup to view all incomplete attendance students
- Click on the incomplete time captured for the student to open the attendance details for the selected date --> Enter the complete attendance hours for the student
- Click Saveonce done --> The student will no longer listed under the Incompletegroup since the attendances are now completed with the full sign in and out pair.
Generate CDNFS/EENFS Report
Once the attendances have been reviewed, you are now ready to generate the CDNFS/EENFS reports. Under the Attendance module --> Click the CDNFS/EENFS under the Reports section.
By default the previous month to the calendar month will be displayed. If the CDNFS/EENFS calculation is not yet completed, a blank screen will show.
- To let CareConnect start the calculation, click Calculate--> Select Batch CDNFS/EENFS
- A pop-up window will open to specify the ReportMonth, Program, Countyand Sites
- CareConnect may take a few minutes to calculate the CDNFS data depending on the volume of the data. Click the refresh icon to preview the calculated CDNFS data
- The calculated CDNFS/EENFS details will be listed grouped by Sites and Classrooms, then sorted alphabetically by the students' name. User who initiated the calculation and user who last modified the calculation will be listed in the CDNFS/EENFS batch details.
- When viewing the details, you may filter it by the Site, classroom, Program, County or Schedule Types for the students using the Filter option at the top right, or using the Filter option on each column header.
- If you need to make any edits to a specific student's calculated CDNFS/EEMFS details, select the pencil icon.
- Within the selected student's edit window, you may editto overwrite all pre-calculated data as needed --> Select Saveonce done
Completing CDNFS/EENFS Report
- Once the CDNFS/EENFS data have been calculated, if there is any newly added student that should be included in the CDNFS/EENFS report, you may use Calculate--> BatchNew CNDFS/EENFS to let CareConnect calculate only that newly added student.
TIP: Refer here for more details on the difference between Batch CDNFS/EENFS and Batch New CDNFS/EENFS.
- Prior to exporting the CDNFS/EENFS data to either the CD9400, CDNFS 8501, or CDNFS 9500, you may utilize the Action--> VerifyCDNFS/EENFS to allow CareConnect to screen for any students that are not assigned an adjusted category.
- When ready to export the CDNFS/EENFS data to the CD9400, CDNFS 8501, CDNFS 9500, select Action--> ExportCDNFS/EENFS. Here, select which report you want to print the CDNFS/EENFS data onto:
- CDNFS 8501: For your CSPP program.
- CDNFS 8501 MHCS: If your program offers MHCS, you may choose this version for your CSPP program.
- CDNFS 9500: For your CCTR program.
- CDNFS 9500 MHCS: If your program offers MHCS, you may choose this version for your CCTR program.
- 9400: Will print out the CDNFS data calculation in an excel format.
- Once your CDNFS/EENFS report month has been submitted, you may lock the service month to ensure no other changes can be done to the report month. This month lock configuration is available in the AdminModule of CareConnect, under the Eligibility > CDNFS/EENFS Month Lock section.
- A Lock Log maintains a record of every instance when the report is locked or unlocked.
Los registros de asistencia capturados para todos los estudiantes, ya sea utilizando la asistencia del quiosco o la asistencia sin contacto, estarán disponibles en CareConnect para su revisión inmediata. Estas asistencias se utilizarán para el cálculo de los informes CDNFS/EENFS.
下载CareConnect Provider 移动应用端App(iOS和Android)或 登陆网页端 CareConnect Provider Web。
为所有学生获取的出勤记录,无论是使用自助服务端出勤还是 非接触式出勤,都可以在 CareConnect 中立即查看。这些出勤率将用于 CDNFS/EENFS 报告计算。
在为单个服务月或季度生成 CDNFS/EENFS 报告之前,确保正确获取所有学生的出勤率,其中:
- 为学生分配缺勤类型
- 出勤不是不完整的,即捕获的出勤是完整的登录和退出配对
您可以每天、每周或每月完成这 2 项数据审查/准备检查。以下是每日推荐的步骤 ;您可以每周或每月遵循类似的步骤:
- 首先访问 出勤模块 --> 访问 每日出勤部分 --> 过滤您想要的 日期、 地点 和 教室
- 要检查是否为学生分配了缺勤类型,请选择 缺勤组以查看所有缺勤学生
- 任何缺勤类型为空白的缺勤学生都需要更新,以将相应的缺勤类型分配给家庭提供的缺勤原因
- 如果学生的缺勤类型为空,请单击“ +添加”以打开该学生在所选日期的出勤详细信息 --> 从下拉菜单中选择以根据您的政策为学生的缺勤分配缺勤类型,例如 EA 表示因故缺勤, SD 表示病假等。
- 完成后选择 保存--> 学生的出勤率将更新以反映分配的缺勤类型
- 查看学生是否有未完成出勤,选择 未完成组查看所有未完成出勤学生
- 单击为学生获取的不完整时间以打开所选日期的出勤详细信息 --> 输入学生的完整出勤时间
- 完成后单击 “保存” --> 学生将不再列在 “未完成”组下,因为出勤现在已完成并完成了完整的登录和退出配对。
一旦审核了出勤率,您现在就可以生成 CDNFS/EENFS 报告了。在 出勤 模块下 --> 单击 报告部分下的 CDNSF/EENFS 。
默认情况下,将显示日历月的前一个月。如果 CDNSFS/EENFS 计算尚未完成,将显示空白屏幕。
- 要让 CareConnect 开始计算,单击 计算--> 选择 批处理 CDNFS/EENFS
- 将打开一个弹出窗口以指定 报告月份、 计划、县和 站点
- CareConnect 可能需要几分钟时间来计算 CDNFS 数据,具体取决于数据量。点击刷新图标可以预览计算出的CDNFS数据
- 计算出的 CDNFS/EENFS 详细信息将按站点和教室分组列出,然后按学生姓名的字母顺序排序。启动计算的用户和最后修改计算的用户将列在 CDNSF/EENFS 批次详细信息中。
- 查看详细信息时,您可以使用右上角的“过滤器”选项或使用每个列标题上的“过滤器”选项,按学生的站点、教室、计划、县或计划类型对其进行过滤。
- 如果您需要对特定学生的计算 CDNFS/EEMFS 详细信息进行任何编辑,请选择铅笔图标。
- 在所选学生的编辑窗口中,您可以 根据需要进行编辑以覆盖所有预先计算的数据 --> 完成后选择保存
- 一旦计算出 CDNFS/EENFS 数据,如果有任何新添加的学生应该包含在 CDNFS/EENFS 报告中,您可以使用计算 --> 批量新建 CNDFS / EENFS 让 CareConnect 只计算新添加的学生。
提示: 有关Batch CDNS/EENFS 和 Batch New CDNS/EENFS 之间区别的更多详细信息, 请参阅此处。
- 在将 CDNSF/EENFS 数据导出到 CD9400、CDNSFS 8501 或 CDNSFS 9500 之前,您可以使用操作 --> 验证CDNSFS / EENFS 以允许 CareConnect 筛选任何未分配调整类别的学生。
- 当准备好将 CDNSF/EENFS 数据导出到 CD9400、CDNSFS 8501、CDNSFS 9500 时,选择 操作--> 导出CDNSFS/EENFS。 在这里,选择要将 CDNSFS/EENFS 数据打印到哪个报告:
- CDNSFS 8501:用于您的 CSPP 程序。
- CDNSFS 8501 MHCS:如果您的程序提供 MHCS,您可以为您的 CSPP 程序选择此版本。
- CDNSFS 9500:用于您的 CCTR 程序。
- CDNSFS 9500 MHCS:如果您的程序提供 MHCS,您可以为您的 CCTR 程序选择此版本。
- 9400:将CDNFS数据计算结果打印成excel格式。
- 提交 CDNSS/EENFS 报告月份后,您可以锁定服务月份以确保不能对报告月份进行其他更改。这个月配置在 CareConnect 的管理模块中可用 ,在资格 > CDNSF/EENFS 月锁部分下。
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