When payments have already been exported out but were found to contain a mistake, your users will need to utilize the system's payment adjustment functions in order to make the necessary corrections to the CC4 record and your accounting software's record.
Creating an Adjustment
Whenever a care schedule is edited within the system, CC4 will prompt case managers to create an adjustment for every Processed payment already paid out within this record. Your family team must be wary of which of these IDs will actually be affected by the specific changes and uncheck the rest as needed. After saving to move past this screen, payments with the boxes still checked will have a new adjustment ID created.
Generating an Adjustment Manually
- Once a payment has been processed, you can click on Operation - Adjustment - Adjustment to make the correction.
An Adjustment Reason window will pop up for you to select the reason. After choosing the most appropriate reason and entering any comment, click Save for next step.
❗️TIP: These reasons displayed here can be configured by your management team in the System Settings - Adjustment Reason.
- A new adjustment payment will be created and opened in a new window. You can also view the adjustment relates to current payment by by clicking on Related - View Adjustment.
Processing an Adjustment
When a new adjustment has been created, the payment status is marked as Received, awaiting correction.
i. If the reviewer believes this adjustment is not needed, simply click Operation - Adjustment - Deny to mark the payment status as Denied. Select a reason for the denial and click Save to complete the process. The payment status will then be updated to Denied.
ii. If the changes are needed, you can think of this record as the revised version of the original. For issues with how times were entered the first time, you would edit the attendance tab to reflect what it was supposed to look like. With issues regarding rates, you can fix the available RMR and provider rate options in care details in order to have those values be used in the calculation this time instead. After calculating, the Adjusted Total should show the correct difference of the amount of money this adjustment is adjusting for (negative if provider was overpaid and positive if underpaid). You can also add a Manual Adjustment if necessary.
iii. Once everything looks correct, you can Commit to change to Authorized like a normal payment.
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