From Printed status, a payment can either be switched to Received status automatically if the provider submits digitally through CareConnect or scanned in by an agency user if the provider turned in a paper attendance record instead. Please see Scanning in Paper Timesheets for how to upload batch scanned timesheets into the system. When a payment is ready to be processed, CC4 offers two options for how to perform the calculation.
Using One-Click Calculate
One Click Calculate will take all of the information entered within the payment ID and automatically decide all of the values for you in accordance with expected state policies, including choosing the lower rate between RMR and provider requested. This method can be chosen directly from the calculate menu or clicking Save & Calculate after entering Attendance.
❗️REMINDER: Digitally submitted timesheets will populate attendance times with what the provider entered on CareConnect. Scanned paper timesheets will always fill in this section with approved hours and will need to be adjusted accordingly.
After this step, you will be able to see data in the Payment Items window and the Payable tab. If everything is correct, we can navigate to the Operation menu and click Commit in order to move the payment to Authorized to be ready for Export.
Using the Payment Wizard
If you would prefer to break down the payment into individual steps and have more control over the hours being presented, you can use CC4's payment wizard option instead, which will be located under the Calculate menu.
Clicking this will take you to the interface below, where you will be able to click on each box of the payable calendar to modify the numbers as needed. You will have the option to edit monthly, weekly, and daily hours, tuning it to what this specific schedule requires.
Moving on to the next step will then allow you to select the rate that should be utilized for calculation. We recommend using the wizard if there is ever a record that you need to use the higher rate for, in which case you would make the selection here. After this, you will be taken to a final confirmation page.
Hitting Finish will redirect you back to the main payment page, where you will see all of your changes reflected. If everything looks good, we can Commit from the Operation menu to change the Payment to Authorized status to be ready for Export.
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