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To invoice monthly family fees, a billing plan will need to be set up for each family. This article will address the process of how to set up a billing plan.
Creating a Family Fee Plan
The Family Income and Family Fee sections of CareConnect must be completed before in order to create a plan. To learn more on how to enter the Family Income and Family Fee sections of CareConnect, please see the following article: How to Assess Family Fees. To learn more about the pre-configurations of your Billing module, please see the following link: CareConnect Configuring Billing.
Within the Family Profile → Eligibility → Family → Family Fee section, select the icon on the desired line item to open a new tab and select the student. Click Next to continue the billing plan process.
Populate the fields to identify the Site and Plan Info details.
The system will confirm the invoice send and due date for the fee period at the bottom of the page. Make any necessary updates and press Save when done.
The page will refresh, locking all fields, and will provide you with a review page of the plans created. From here, you can click the Plan ID to learn more about the individual details of the plan.
Note: The $0.00 amount that you see corresponds to the items within the plan. Since the process to create a family fee billing plan skips the item entry section, the amount will display as $0.00.
We won't have to worry about the items section of the Family Fee Billing Plan since the amount is an on-going calculation based on the Family's Eligibility → Family Income section. |
Note: The CareConnect team does not recommend you generate all invoices for a family fee plan. If you do generate all invoices, you will need to go to each individual invoice and update/void if the schedule or the yearly Family Fee Table gets updated. Instead, we recommend that you utilize the Invoice Post Date drop-down within the plan to select the number of days you want an invoice to appear as Planned before the send date to avoid having to make corrections. |
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