After creating your MyCareConnect account, go to your Organization's website to get started on your application. Below are step by step instructions on how to fill out your Universal Application for the Long Beach Early Learning Hub.
The first step of your application asks questions regarding where you are looking for childcare.
By letting the hub know your zip code and location reason, hub staff will be able to better find child care that best fits your needs.
The second step of your application asks if you are interested in financial assistance to help pay for your child care.
The third step is to fill out information regarding your family.
**This step of the application will not be shown if you've selected No when asked if interested in financial assistance**
Here you will be asked to input information about your family size, your reason for needing child care, and certain Means-tested Government Programs these will determine your eligibility for financial assistance.
The fourth step is to fill out information regarding the two primary adults who take care for the child(ren) that you are applying child care for.
Preferred Language: The preferred language selected here will notify the hub staff what language that they should be contacting the Adult with. Please note that Hub Staff will try to accommodate the preferred language as best as possible, selecting a preferred language does not guarantee that Hub Staff will be able to communicate with the Adult in the selected language.
Preferred Contact Method: The preferred contact method will be how the hub will be primarily communicating with the Adult regarding updates, questions, or concerns about the application being submitted.
**If you select any of the options within the blue rectangle and had previously selected No when asked if interested in financial assistance, you will be prompted to go back to the family section as you may eligible for financial assistance.**
The fifth step is to input income of each adult that was previously listed on the adult page.
**This step of the application will not be shown if you've selected No when asked if interested in financial assistance**
The information that you add to this page will be used to calculate and determine your eligibility for financial assistance programs as well as fees that you will be subject to if admitted into a child care program.
The sixth step is to list and input details about the child(ren) that you are applying child care for.
**If you select any of the options within the blue rectangle and had previously selected No when asked if interested in financial assistance, you will be prompted to go back to the family section as you may eligible for financial assistance.**
Here you can input your child(ren)'s information or any exceptional needs.
At this point you also have the option to save your application as a draft. If you click this button, your application will be saved at the current progress, and you may return back to your application after logging back into your MyCareConnect Family Account.
The next page will show a list of all potential child care financial assistance options your family may qualify for.
**This page will not be shown if you've selected No when asked if interested in financial assistance**
At this point you also have the option to save your application as a draft. If you click this button, your application will be saved at the current progress, and you may return back to your application after logging back into your MyCareConnect Family Account.
The seventh step is for you to input your program preferences and details regarding the child care services you need.
Here you can customize the criteria for your child(ren). You may select multiple child(ren) for each criteria depending on if you have different preferences or schedules.
1. You will need to do is select the child you are making the criteria for. If you have more than one child that fits the same criteria you may select more child(ren) in the criteria.
2. Select the child care start date.
3. Dependent on when you need care, if the Days of care needed are the same week to week choose Set Schedule. If the Days of care needed changes week to week choose Variable Schedule.
If Set Schedule is chosen you will be prompted to input the time in and time out of care you need.
If Variable Schedule is chosen you will be prompted to input the number # of days the child(ren) would need care week to week
4. Here you will be able to select your program preferences. To find a child care center that best suits your needs, we recommend that you use the Find Child Care tab above or follow the hyper link Find Early Learning Long Beach Programs to find the best Child Care center that best suits your needs.
**If you do not input your own program preferences, the hub will select a center solely based off of availability**
To search for a Child Care Provider that follows your criteria and view their profiles you may do so from here: . If you need further help with finding a Child Care Provider please refer to this article: How to find Child Care Centers
5. The preferred provider language selected here will notify the hub staff the language preferred for the Center to have available to speak to the children with. Please note that Hub Staff will try to accommodate the preferred language as best as possible, selecting a preferred language does not guarantee the center will have this language unless the language selected is English.
At this point, you also have the option to save your application as a draft. If you click this button, your application will be saved at the current progress, and you may return back to your application after logging back into your MyCareConnect Family Account.
The final step is to upload required documents.
Here you will need to upload your Child(ren)'s Birth certificate or some record of birth as well as the Child(ren)'s Health and Immunization records.
**If these documents are not uploaded to the application, the child(ren) will not be enrolled into a center**
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