How to add or remove Site Admin
If you would like to add a Site Admin, you must first sign in with a Site Admin or School Admin account. Afterwards, you can navigate into your Setting tab
And locate the first option, Sites, where you can select the Notepad icon to edit the Site
Inside is an option for Select Site Admin, where you can view all teachers assigned to the Site, and click on them to select them and change their permissions
Once you have your teachers selected, pressing Done will confirm your choice, and then you can press Submit to finish the change. The selected teachers will be Site Admin the next time they sign in!
To remove a Site Admin, you can follow the same process up until pressing Select Site Admin. Instead, put your mouse cursor over the name of the teacher you would like to remove, and a Blue X will appear. Pressing the X will remove their Site Admin access, but leave them as a teacher account! Once again, press Submit to confirm your change, and the teachers must sign out and back in before ChildFolio will function properly for their accounts.
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