- New:Garnishment status defaults toNew when first added. Garnishment payable under New. Once Garnishment is added and saved. Status will be updated by system, and can be manually changed toHold only.
- Active:Garnishment status will be system updated. Garnishment payable underActive.
- fromNewtoActive: system updates status when the garnishment status isNew & a garnishment payment occurred
- fromHoldtoActive: system updates status when the garnishment status isHold, if current calendar day >= release date
- Hold:User can manually change Garnishment status intoHold during an appeal period. IfHold status is selected, Release date field will apply. Garnishment not payable underHold.
- Terminated: Garnishment status will be system updated. Garnishment not payable under Terminated.
- from New to Terminated: system updates status when the garnishment status is New, if current calendar day >= terminate date
- from Hold to Terminated: system updates status when the garnishment status is Hold , if current calendar day >= terminate date
- from Active to Terminated: system updates status when the garnishment status is Active, if current calendar day >= end date (or terminate date)
- Inactive: Garnishment status will be system updated. Garnishment not payable under Inactive.
- fromNewtoInactive:system updates status when current calendar day - start date > 1 year, with no garnishment payment history.
- fromNew toInactive:system updates status after the first payment date when Garnishment Payment Method is Lump Sum
- fromActive toInactive:system updates status when Garnishment Payment Balances reaches to $0, current calendar day >= start date
Terminate Date and Terminate Reason
Terminate Date: Date the Garnishment becomes inactive
- manually update: when AGENCY is informed termination of the Garnishment from originated entity, user can change Terminated Date to that date
- system update: when Garnishment becomes Inactive
Terminate Reason: Garnishment can be terminated with 4 different reasons
- Paid in Full: Once Garnishment original amount is paid off and balance reaches to $0, system will update Terminate date and End date to the last export date with Reason as Paid in Full
- Expired: If there is no export date record under any Garnishment for a year, at one year anniversary, system will update Terminate date and End date to current date with Reason as Expired
- Terminated: User manually selecting Terminated reason and date
- One Time Only: Once with Lump Sum Payment Method. Once Garnishment is deducted, system will update Terminate date and End date to the last export date with Reason as One-Time Only.
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