Though most functionality needed to manage family fees are located in the Ledgers module, there will be some instances that will require your users to utilize the Ledgers tab directly within a Family record.
Retroactively Adding Invoices/Payments
Though your monthly batch invoices should include most of every family's needed entries (See Batch Family Fee Billing), there will be occasions where a manual addition is required. From the Ledgers tab in a Family Record, you will have the option to add invoices or payments with full control over what is charged.
When creating an invoice, you will be able to select the Type, Program, Child, Start Date, End Date, and Amount that this item is charging for. An example where this may be used is if you forgot to charge the fee for one family, so instead of running an entirely new batch, it may be easier to just manually put in this amount directly in the individual ID.
Once again, you have the option to create a payment with full control of the details, including Amount and the Invoice it is being applied to.
Generating Ledger Documents
With invoices and payments, CC4 also provides functionality to print receipts, statements, and tax letters. This feature is only available from within the Family Record, as it is usually an individual process.
Print Invoice will allow you to print what the system may have already sent them digitally, requesting the listed amount to be paid. Print Payment will require you to select at least one payment from the list, which will generate a receipt. Statement will display a log of all invoices and payments selected by you and Tax Letter will create a document of payment total to send to the parent. All of these forms do have options to be customized to your agency's preference, but default standard templates will come included in your environment.
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