In CareControl, there are 10 Modules and each are dedicated for a specific purpose. The 3rd Module is the Provider Module, which houses all Provider records in your Program.
Under this Provider Module, you can manage all functionalities relating to the Provider records.
A. Accessing the Provider Module
1. Module
When first opening to CareControl, at the very top menu are the different Modules. The Provider Module is the 3rd icon on the list; click on this icon to enter the main Provider Module window.
❗️TIP: When hovering your mouse cursor over each Module’s icon, CareControl will display the name of the Module.
2. Navigation Bar
Immediately after accessing the Provide Module, CareControl will land you in the Provider Search, which is the very 1st section out of the 3 in the Navigation Bar that are: Provider Search, New Provider, and Provider Lists.
Provider Search is the 1st section listed within the Navigation Bar and is where you can perform a search of all Provider records that exist in CareControl for your Program. |
New Provider is the 2nd section listed within the Navigation Bar and is the starting point to add a new Provider record to CareControl. Once ready to add Providers, click on this option, and CareControl will guide you through it. |
Provider Lists is the 3rd section listed within the Navigation Bar and is a drop-down menu that brings you different pre-filtered lists to provide more info to all your Providers. The standard list available is the “Provider List” as shown in the example on the left, which allows you to filter for Providers using the Create Date. There is also the “Recently Accessed” list to show you provider files you opened recently. You may configure as many lists under the Provider Lists drop-down menu as needed based on your Agency’s process of how to manage Providers. |
3. Provider Search Tab
4. Search Results
5. Results List Buttons
There are 2 standard action buttons and one checkbox option for all search result lists to give you more control over the search results window and data.
Data Export icon is the 1st button available. This provides the option to Export all data or selected rows to an Excel sheet saved to your local device. | |
Column Chooser icon is the 2nd button available. This provides the option to hide and reveal columns that appear on the search results list. | |
Include Voided is a checkbox you can select to toggle whether or not you would like voided providers to show up in the search results. |
B. Accessing a Provider Record
After entering a Provider record, CareControl will display all the details for the Provider.
1. Provider Name
At the top left of the Provider record will be the Name, together with the unique ID number assigned by CareControl and the current status for the Provider.
2. Top Section
The top section right below the Provider Name header is where you’ll find the quick informational section giving you several quick details about the Provider.
There are 4 boxes in the Top Section for all Providers:
Address: This shows the current location for the Provider. If there is a different mailing address, it will display here as well.
Contact: This shows the quick contact information for the Provider with their email, cell and work phone numbers.
Type: This shows what the Provider Type is, their language and tax number.
Trust Line or License: This will show differently based on the Provider Type.
- If the Provider is a licensed Provider, this section will be the License section giving you the details of their License.
- If the Provider is an exempt Provider, this section will instead be the Trust Line section giving you the details of their Trust Line status.
3. Provider Tabs
The set of horizontal tabs available will differ based on the Provider Type, whether they are licensed or exempt. The purpose for the tabs is to help you to track all information needed for a subsidized provider that are:
Summary: This is an at-a-glance view of all the important information the Provider has.
- Informational sectionals can be shown in the Summary Tab are such as Rates, Children and Care Schedules and the monthly Payments, or more.
Provider Info: This is the Provider details such as address, contact info, provider type, tax info, etc. For licensed providers, you can find this section as a subtab under the Details tab, along with Contacts.
Trust Line: This is only used for Exempt Providers, and is to track the Provider’s Trust Line status.
Operational Hours: This is to capture when the Provider open or their operational hours.
License: This is only used for Licensed Providers, and is to track the Provider’s child care license information including child age range and capacity.
Rates: This is to capture the Provider’s rate book or rate sheet.
Registration Fee: This is only used for Licensed Providers, and is used to track the Provider’s annual or one-time registration fee.
Holidays: This is only used for Licensed Providers, and is used to track the Provider’s closure days.
Reviews: This is where all the records of reviews (self-check) are listed.
Care Schedules: This is a list of all children approved with the Provider.
Payments and EOPs: This shows the Payment records and its statuses, together with the Explanation of Payments.
- Agreement: This is an optional tab that grants you a space to track what families a provider is giving services to, along with which program that family is enrolled in.
Special Needs: This is a list of all children with Special Needs for a rate bump of either 1.2 or 1.5.
Garnishment: This is where you can configure any garnishments that need to be factored into this provider’s reimbursement.
QRIS: This is to capture the Provider’s QRIS and Accreditation details.
Notes and Tasks: This is to view or add notes and tasks relating to the Provider record.
CareConnect: This is to set up and manage the account for the Provider to submit electronic forms and attendance.
Documents: This is to send out and request documents to the Provider, as well as receiving and accepting it.
Files: This is the digital file system where electronic documents are saved for the Provider.
Messages: This is to send notifications in an email or SMS to the Provider.
4. Tab Details
As you’re navigating throughout the Provider records in each separate Tabs, you will find the details for each Tab wills how differently based on what the information is needed to be captured within the Tab.
5. Action Buttons
There are always 3 action buttons available for all Provider records to manage the Provider record.
The Review button is the 1st button available; it is a quick option to generate a Review for the Provider record. |
New button is the 2nd button available, which is a drop-down menu with different selections for Note, Task, Document, and Message. Each of these 4 selections serve as a quick way for you to create a new Note, new Task, new Document, or new Message to the Provider. Each of these actions are also available in their corresponding Tabs in the Provider record. |
Action button is the 3rd button available, which is a drop-down menu with different selections:
This last icon is not a button but is a menu (hamburger menu). It is to expand and collapse a quick window view of the:
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