When applying for Child Care, you can use the Find Child Care tab to locate Providers around you that fit the criteria that you need for your child(ren). Below are instructions on how to navigate this page to help you find Child Care Providers that best fit your child(ren)'s needs.
First, you will need to navigate to the Find Child Care Tab.
You will be redirected to the Find Child Care page where you can input the age of the child(ren) and zip code where you are looking for Child Care at. After you have filled out your preferences click on the Find Child Care button.
Based on the criteria given, a list of child care providers will populate here. To narrow your search further you can click on any of the buttons above or click on More... to view more filters.
Check the box of the filter you want to use to narrow your search for Child Care Providers, then click Apply.
Now, the list compiled will only show the Child Care Providers that fit the filters you've added. To get more detailed information about the Child Care Provider, you can either click on the See more details button that appears on the map or click on the Child Care Provider's name on the list on the left.
From here you can view this Child Care Provider's details.
If you want to take note of this Provider and tag it to look back on, you can favorite this Provider by clicking on the Heart Icon or the Favorite text.
**Note that what is highlighted in the blue rectangle is the provider's vacancy. This is where you can view the age group that the provider currently is enrolling for. **
After viewing the Provider's details, if you would like to apply for this Child Care Provider, you can click on Apply Now to apply for Child Care.
**Please note that this will direct you to make a universal application through the Long Beach Early Learning Hub. You will still have to add this specific site as a program preference in order to be prioritized to be admitted into this specific provider.**
To go back to the whole list of Child Care providers and restart your search, click on the Find Child Care tab above and click on Reset All to remove all of the filters you have added.
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